Tag Archives: Children’s Books

Monster Multimedia: Serendipity


Lost childhood memories have a way of being dredged up in unexpected ways: in the book Abominable Science!, which is a skeptical analysis of cryptozoology that I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned a few times before, co-author Daniel Loxton has an aside in the section about the semi-legendary Canadian sea serpent Cadborosaurus where he mentions the children’s book Serendipity, which is about a pink sea serpent. He even contacted the author of that book and got a short quote from him. This reference was part of a larger point Loxton was making about how sea serpents, both fictional and “real”, are modelled after the horse-fish hybrids regularly depicted in Classical Greek art, but as soon as it was was mentioned, I was instead struck with familiarity, and thought to myself “Wow, someone else remembers that thing, too!” The wide world of monsters seemed a lot smaller in that moment.

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